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Fantastic Birds of the Babuyan Islands photo by Rahul Alvarez

Fantastic Birds of the Babuyan Islands

von : Becky Johnson veröffentlicht :

North of Luzon Island is a small archipelago of smaller islands known as the Babuyan Islands. These lush paradises were created from the Luzon Volcanic Arc and have become an important ecological home for many species of plants, corals, fish, animals, and birds. In fact, bird watching is a must with these four fantastic birds roosting around the islands.

Tufted duck photo by Luciano 96 (via Flickr)
Tufted duck

Tufted Duck

This Tufted Duck has a relatively broad range across Eurasia but spends winters in southeast Asia, and the Babuyan Islands are one of its favorite winter playgrounds. The striking black and white male of the species is so named for the tuft of feathers on its head. Males are usually quiet, but employ a series of whistles to attract the smaller and drabber brown females, who have a harsh, growling call. They nest in grasslands and marshes with plenty of vegetation to provide cover and protection for their nests and lay nine eggs per clutch. The Tufted Duck’s favorite delicacies are mollusks, small fish, aquatic insects and some plants, which they acquire through diving, and it makes the Babuyan islands an ideal hunting ground. This bird is a pretty common sight, so have your camera ready.

Oriental dwarf kingfisher photo by Rahul Alvarez
Oriental dwarf kingfisher

Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

This dazzling bird is the most colorful, and the smallest, of the all the kingfisher species. It measures a mere 5.5 inches. In contrast, the largest of the kingfisher species comes in at 18 inches! The Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher is also not much of a fisherman, preferring insects, lizards, and frogs. It’s quite territorial, locating prime perching and nesting locations and defending them against others. Uniquely, this majestic little bird also nests in the ground, with both the male and female taking turns digging the tunnel and eventually laying 3-6 eggs. The strength and privacy of this nest are likely because the babies are born blind and with no down at all. Still, they still manage to leave the nest in just 20 days!

Hoopoe photo by Jose Fernandez


This striking bird with its crown of feathers is a famous and beautiful species on the “must see” list for any avid bird watcher. The Hoopoe is monogamous, and this lover is also a fighter, with both males and females brutally fighting over territory and to drive away potential rivals, sometimes blinding them with their bills! Feasting on a variety of elements, some of the Hoopoe’s favorites are insects (especially insect larvae), nuts, seeds, and small reptiles, like frogs. They are also quite fond of sunbathing, spreading their wings out and dropping their tails low against the ground to take in the sun’s warming rays. They nest in holes in trees with small openings and the size of the clutch depends on the region. Fascinatingly, the female and the hatchlings secrete a foul-smelling liquid that is rubbed into the feathers to deter predators. This is one gorgeous (albeit hostile and smelly) bird you won’t want to miss.

Japanese Yellow Bunting photo by 孫鋒 林 (via Flickr)
Japanese Yellow Bunting

Japanese Yellow Bunting

This little bird has become difficult to observe and is now a vulnerable species due to habitat loss, pesticides, and trapping. It breeds only in Japan but migrates further south to spend winters in warmer climates, like the Babuyan Islands of the Northern Philippines. It has a light, twittering song and a soft call that sounds a little like “tsip.” Nests are built low in bushes, and there are generally 3-5 eggs per clutch. The Japanese Yellow Bunting loves to snack on insects, like beetles, as well as caterpillars, plants, and seeds. The population of the species is already small and dwindling, so sightings are becoming rarer. Don’t miss an opportunity to observe this sweet, colorful bird.

From their lush green mountains to their white sandy beaches, the Babuyan Islands have a lot to offer. So whether you want to hike, snorkel, or catch a glimpse of an elusive bird, Uncharted Philippines has you covered with their array of adventure tours and the expertise of their seasoned guides. Discover the magic of the Philippines for yourself.

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