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Spelunking Adventure Awaits in the Hundred Caves of Tagabinet photo by Zean Villongco

Spelunking Adventure Awaits in the Hundred Caves of Tagabinet

von : Becky Johnson veröffentlicht :

Uncharted Philippines offers incredible tours in beautiful and exotic Palawan, sometimes called “The Jewel of the Philippines.” Puerto Princesa is famous for its underground river, found 80 km north of the city, but it is also home to the “Hundred Caves” of Tagabinet. These caves are a colorful utopia for spelunkers (cave explorers) around the world.

Inside one of the Hundred Caves, Tagabinet, Palawan  photo by Matthew & Heather (via Flickr)
Inside one of the Hundred Caves, Tagabinet, Palawan

Dazzling Colors

The caves are full of speleothems (Greek for “cave deposits”) made up of a variety of minerals. These majestic mineral deposits are earth’s marvelous works of art. They can be found in a variety of rainbow colors, depending on their mineral makeup and the environmental factors in the cave. You should expect to see stalactites and stalagmites, as well as stone waterfalls and cave pearls. But don’t touch them! These amazing cave formations are sometimes fragile and their beauty should be protected for future generations to discover.

Walking and climbing through the hundred caves is like stepping back in time, into the cradle of civilization. Many formations pre-date human existence by millenia. It’s a surreal and humbling experience and many describe it as otherworldly. The alien landscape is breathtaking, but always be aware of your surroundings and watch your footing.

Ecotourism motto at the cave entrance photo by Sophia Lucero (via Flickr)
Ecotourism motto at the cave entrance


The hundred caves of Tagabinet are an important and delicate ecosystem, and the preservation of this magnificent natural wonder is dependent on the thoughtful and protective actions of visitors and caretakers. There is an ecotourism motto posted at the entrance of the caves to remind everyone of preserving the heritage and beauty of the caves. It reads: “Kill nothing but time. Take nothing but pictures. Burn nothing but calories. Leave nothing but footprints. Bring nothing but memories.” It’s a far more poetic sentiment than the frequently seen “leave no trace,” though the intention is the same. Interacting with nature is a privilege and one we should take seriously. With ballooning population growth and the effect of climate change, it’s up to us to do everything we can to protect the last wonders of the wild.

Inside Hundred Caves in Tagabinet photo by Zean Villongco
Inside Hundred Caves in Tagabinet

What to Expect

Drink plenty of water before arriving at the caves; spelunking is hard work and preventing dehydration is incredibly important. Dress in light layers of clothing for shifting temperatures and environmental changes. You might experience warmer temperatures as you enter the cave, but cooler temperatures farther in, with unexpected moisture. Along with layers of clothing, it’s a good idea to bring a secure dry bag for your smart phone, wallet, passport, or other important items. Headlamps are provided, but having a back-up flashlight is not a bad idea, either. Finally, some of the caves require you to crawl on all fours, so if you have extreme claustrophobia, you might want to plan ahead and only explore the larger caves.

Explore Palawan’s Best Kept Secrets with Uncharted Philippines. Your experience will take you to some of the less visited tourist destinations that Palawan has to offer, including a chance to meet indigenous tribes and see some of the exotic flora and fauna of the rainforest. The hundred caves of Tagabinet are waiting to be explored in “the last frontier” of the Philippines. This and many more adventures await. Discover the magic of the Philippines for yourself.

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